Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cider Lovin'

I dislike beer, except for one you can get at Pike Place Brewery in Seattle, and Lenny's in Blommington IN, which means my choices when I go to an establishment are limited to expensive mixed drinks, or my other favorite beverage with a little kick. Cider.

Favorites so far are:
Strongbow - fresh, robust dry English cider
Newton's Folly - found at Trader Joe's, a crisp granny smith apple cider that is quite yummy

Hornsby's - is okay
Wyder's - has more variety than most with a few different types including a pear, but is not as good as the two above.

In a pinch:
Woodchuck and Woodpecker will do, but the others are better so far. I'll update this as I try different ciders and see what else I like.

Maybe I should look into learning how to make my own hard cider.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some words I Like



nargels (yes, the beasts from Harry Potter fame)

snargles (my attempt to say nargels and snuggles at the same time)

spiraling symbiosis (thank you Mr. Anthony, high school AP Euro History teacher - that one's stayed with me a long time)



Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wow, been a long time

Happy Valentine's Day Everybody.

I know I have not written in awhile...I will soon. Promise.

Right now life consists of working at the library, finally working again with the art library special materials (yay!), trying to afford my own health insurance, and condo hunting with the bf.

More soon, when I make more sense.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Self Chosen Slippery Slopes
In response to this article, I want to ask one does this change the landscape of tolerance in public schools?

I understand that it might be better for these students from a safety standpoint to be in a school with a peer group that is fully supportive of their lifestyle and orientation, but something about this doesn't sit right with me.

If we suggest as a city (Chicago) or as a country, that we should group gays, lesbians, and transgenders together into one demographic of a high school, doesn't that mean, while confrontations and safety may be higher, exposure to other viewpoints and other individuals will be lessened?

I can't help but wonder if my close friends that are gay/lesbian/bi-sexual and transgender decided to go to this public school instead of mine, i wouldn't have been offered the chance to get to know them so well and become such good friends with them. I can respect a decision based on the safety of students, because that is supposed to be one of the most important things a school provides, beyond the "education" factor that is a given. But, what about the whole diversity in schools idea?
There are a lot of high school students out there as it is, that will not meet an openly gay/bi-sexual/transgender person until they get to college...(remember small towns in Iowa are rarely the bastions of liberal ideas/thinking that the state as a whole may be thought to be) and that may be okay for many of them, but I'm sure they often wonder if someone in that school has a different sexual orientation and just hasn't come forward.

I am for people being comfortable in their skin, and if an openly gay/lesbian/bi-sexual/transgender high school will allow that to be the case for some folks, then I'm for that aspect of it...but I can't help but also see this as leading down a slippery slope of self-chosen separation, which will afford few high school students the chance to change their views on certain aspects of the culture/community of GLBTG folks or vice versa.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I think this shirt is funny.