Sunday, July 24, 2005

Because Storyhill played in CR this past Spring, to my surprise and enjoyment, I was at B & N in CR to find some cd's...because the IC store doesn't, and I get my employee discount on cd's at B & N, I discovered the "regional artists" section, and peppermint records has a few artists getting some local promotion. So hooray for that, I got Dovetail for cheap :)
Saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Sunday night with Adam and Cassi (after watching the new episode of Family Guy AND pimp my ride) - we've decided that Pimp My Ride should totally do an episode where they pimp a cambus....all of you IC ppl that read this - or U of I students should start a write in campaign for this...
To my dismay, while the movie was really great, and very much the Tim Burton style I've come to expect, and love, and a great performance by Johnny Dep, and not so frightening Umpa Lumpas, my co-worker still kept calling the movie "Willy Wonka's House of Chocolate"
I went and found the orig. book on the shelves that very evening, and produced it, for him to notice, and yet, still, I was unsuccessful in my attempt to make the point. The movie, while very different from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (ala Gene Wilder - also a great film) was still very enjoyable. ;) so it gets a thumb's up.
The Changing Book conference was this weekend, also was fun, though somewhat disorganized as far as my volunteer position was concerned. Suburban driving anyone? I can totally tell I will not fit the soccer mom role any time soon....quite scary that I can drive that big ass attempt at a school bus in training.
okay, that's the update.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Happy After 4th to all of you! I hope you all got to take in some really good fireworks and had a special day. Coralville's 4th fest was as good as usual (which is better than IC. yes, i said it. that's right Coralville Townie Pride!) Not too much else to report. Life here in the land of corn is just about par for the course as summers in iowa go. Working at B & N and the art library. SOOO excited cause I just bought some new dvds to support my 10 dollar or less dvd habbit. I had to stop myself when I was compelled to buy one simply b.c it was only 5 bucks, and it was a really really horrible movie. Normally I'm much more selective in my tastes. American Pie and Nat'l Lampoons Animal House will now grace my dvd shelves..and yes, in proper librarian form they are all org. alpha. and I've dropped leading words like, the, a, and. :)
I'm kinda excited for the Harry Potter party at b & n too, cause I get to be a runner - which means I don't actually have to ring sales, and instead I get to run to the back and grab more boxes of the book to bring to the front....I now have the ISBN memorized though - for the # of pre-orders we've gotten at the Info desk and cashwraps that i've done. I've also had fun discovering other "If You like Harry Potter" materials that we've got on sale for the summer while ppl are anticapating HP they can read these others - so inquire if you dare. :) I also will be getting a harry potter prize of some sort to reward me for being able to work from 7:30pm until 4am (that's closing time so actually after straighting shelves and cleaning up leftover wizzard tattoos will be more like 4:30 or 5 I'm sure)
all right, well I'm out. that's a wrap.