Friday, September 23, 2005

Exploding Eyes and Pumpkins

Location: apartment
Listening to: Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Mood: Owww! (Is that passable as a mood?)

Mommy, my head hurts. Blast this darn storm front moving through today. My sinuses are going crazy! all this pressure built up behind my eyes. stupid headaches, and darnit modern medicine hasn't fixed this one yet.

On a brighter note. Food for the next two weeks has been bought, and that includes potattos, so I can try to make dad's famous mashed potattos. And Rena is going to make me dinner tomorrow night, so yummy and hooray for friends feeding me! (especially friends like Rena and Traci who can really cook!) I will treat them to my lasagne soon. Nobody died from eating it at my dinner party this summer...the boys even went back for second helpings, so I'm pretty confident I can recreate the experience here at IU (though the stores here are significantly lacking compared to Hy-Vee.)

Oh, for those interested, that both read this blog and have a desire for some adventurous behavior, PUMPKIN CARVING!!! We'll be doing it again this year, some afternoon, at my apartment here on campus...invitations extended via this blog (if you read it, you're invited) just tell me you are interested in joining the fun.

all right that's it. I must go now, before my eyes explode all over the screen.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Coming to you Live...

Location: Reference Room - Wells library
Listening to: Lauryn Hill, Miseducation Of,
Why?: Testing out the wireless card, AND working on my philosophy resources guide for class Wednesday.

Props to my friends for joining the blogger bandwagon. I must also give props to Faraji for having a blog that actually keeps up with current events and isn't just a rambling mass like mine. Go you Scandalous sexy almost "21" year old.

This weekend was an entire blast. I have to say, after the blah week I had, Friday night was just what was needed. I did my first client interview for L570 at noon, and the woman is really nice and very energetic and fun, so I think this project is off on the correct foot. Then Traci and I worked on Dialog almost all afternoon (due to her cataloging class being cancelled) We also attended a very short ALA-SC meeting, where candy was involved. We headed back to my apartment and got ready for the shin-dig. Neither of us went last year, and we didn't know we were goin to this year until Suzanne mentioned it the other day, and i'm really glad we decided to go. it was a total blast. the food was good, the socializing was actually a lot of fun...normally I'm not too big on huge group affairs where I know only a couple people and feel like small talk is the order of the day, but this event came off surprisingly well. After the reception a group of us, a LARGE and massive group at that, went to the vid. (one of the local bars) Traci got to let her hair down a bit, so to speak, and we had a really good time. I played some crappy pool, but more, it was just about getting to know people in my program that I've always thought would be fun to get to know, but haven't had the chance. It was also fun to see the professors in another environment besides the classroom.

I must apologize to Erik for essentially falling asleep while talkin to him online when I got home...ya know when you think you were just blinking, and then you realize it's two and half hours later? Oh ya, I know I'm just a rock star.

Saturday was spent with my nose in the books, and dishes, and laundry. Well not actually having my nose in the dishes...ewww, but you get the idea. I also have started investigating possible halloween costumes...

Sunday, well this is Sunday, and I'm doing homework in the reference room, then going to work in like ten minutes from now, then it's home to watch Family Guy and more homework...

at least I got out on Friday night. That was fantastic, oh, and traci might say we "broke in" to Woodburn house after ten minutes of waiting outside...I prefer the term "snuck in" afterall, we future librarian types are not heathens, drinkers, or pool players, no sir-e.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Listening to: Streaming Itunes Music One
Mood: eh, whatever

So, this weekend was pretty fun, despite my hawks losing to ISU. Blah! Oh well, at least it doesn't count for the Big Ten Season, and really, I think we'd have played better if Tate was in the whole game. Friday I ran errands with Rena, and I was proud of myself. I cooked parmesan ranch chicken and steamed veggies and ate grapes. So very good and healthy of me right? Then I met Christa at Ashton and we went to see the Hitchcock double feature at IUB City lights. That was alot of fun. We say Strangers on a Train and Shadow of a Doubt. I have to say, that old school hitchcock, ala 1940's style, has a romantic quality about it, even though the sound was not synced well to the movement of the mouths. It slightly resembled badly dubed japanese movies. However, I was still entertained. Perhaps the most interesting portion of the evening was when Christa, who always gets very invovled in movies while she's watching them, shouted out "JERK" very loudly at one of the characters, who, in deed, was acting like a jerk. I just laughed a little though, because she's usually so amicable and peaceful, so to hear her get animated about anything, much less a movie, and to shout, in an auditorium where other people were present, was pretty funny. Yesterday I tackled my first assignment for Info in the did not go well. I did finish the rough draft by 3 am though. I had such a case of writer's block, it was quite horrible. This was not helped by the fact that some of the IC friends were watching pirates and hanging out together. At least they talked to me online for awhile, and the phone was passed around some. Still, I think that's the hardest part about being in grad school right now in another state. It's knowing they are doing something that's fun, when I'm not. Course I did have my fun moments for the weekend too, so I can't complain too much. I also stayed up way too late on thursday night, and did nothing productive, even though i'd had coffee in order to stay up and be productive, but, instead, I talked online, and then read Tuttle's latest play. I love that he still sends me the rough drafts. I hope he didn't find my comments to punchy, as I finished reading about 3 am, and then read Rule of 4 for another two hours. Went to bed at 5 am. I really need to get out of that habit and start paying attention to school and school reading. I have to revise my paper, I have to start these long term projects, and I have to really start my exercise and diet program to keep me sane before heading home for jaime's wedding in October. We hope to have a game night soon too. :) We've got a few slis kids that are board game players, so that will be exciting if it can happen. I also would still like to go into Chicago some weekend with Traci to visit Erik, so her around Chicago (she's not been downtown yet) and perhaps go clubbing with some Iowa friends who can make the drive over. I must send a bday shout out to the bride to be, Jaime will turn 25 tomorrow. ;) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Tonight after family guy, i will go to starbucks and try to really concentrate and get some studying done. Then tomorrow morning, another week will start again. Hopefully things will go better at work, and my topic ideas will pan out for all of my projects.
that's the update folks. BTW, certain people need to send me an email. It is LONG overdue. No matter how busy you are at a new job, that is no excuse to not keep in touch and drop me a line and tell me about what the job entails, your life, and your thoughts. This means you Will!!! (and yes, I'm doing this in the blog, on the chance you still read it every once in awhile)
peace out

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Mood: somber
Listening to: CNN
Classes are done for the first week. I am looking forward to the weekend and having some fun. My headache is finally gone. I've had fun catching up with the friends back home this week. Happy birthday shout out to Aaron is in order. I think it's funny that Cassi called to ask me if she could go to my parents house and borrow season four of buffy, which I forgot there, when I moved back to B-town. Call is out to the parents for a nice time that she can stop by and do that...will be interesting to hear their reactions - as Cas was like the 2nd daughter there this summer anyways. I'm somewhat apprehensive about other things related to school, but i think that stuff will all get worked out when I've got topics picked for all of these projects and start to get the time management in place. I'd like to schedule exercise time at least half an hour every day. I'll work up to that though, as I am lacking the "in shape" factor that i had last semester at IU. I like that they offer free classes in kickboxing and dance here, and will partake I hope. I am looking forward to visiting the Trojan Horse tomorrow night with Erik. Hooray for actually experiencing decent ethnic food. I have decided that I CAN actually cook some stuff successfully at my apartment, but that I am lazy about doing so. The apartment is also looking more "lived in" mostly because there are dishes in the sink, and I did actually hang the posters and a few pics are on the fridge now. I couldn't go to Sandusky with Misa and Lis this weekend (cause i work sunday night and monday morning) blah...but, on the good note Erik will visit and that'll make it okay I think.
I am feeling somber though, as I listen to and see pictures of the aftermath of katrina. I went to New Orleans the summer after my freshman year of college and really enjoyed myself down there. Even met some people at Cafe du monde that were from the Iowa Writer's Workshop. (small world iowa moments happen almost everywhere I go it seems) It is hard to think that the coast is now under water. My thoughts are with Kamber and her boyfriend (who was to start med school at Tulane now) I hope that you guys are safe and sound and doing all right. My hope is that everybody can recover quickly and the town will be able to rebuild as soon as possible, and I am sure that will be the case, as resiliance is the only real retaliation against such a disaster.
I was happy today though, because I got to speak some "art history-eze" with Aaron, who is preping to spend next summer in Spain. I have learned about so many famous paintings and monuments, and been so fortunate to see a number of them in my short 24 years of life (and have a much longer list of ones I hope to see before I die). At any rate, it was nice to show my dorky and over zealous "art history" side to another of the friends. BTW, he says he'll attempt to teach me the rules of cricket, or at least what he can understand of them at some point. And I will close this by saying, I enjoy watching the History Channel and am currently watching Modern Marvels: Paint.
So ya, summation: i can't watch more about katrina, and instead need to just be dorky for awhile.,