Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Okay, so instead of doing some shameless self-promotion, because well, I'm not really doing anything all that interesting with my own life. (This is not really by choice though, as I'm currently attending graduate school, which serves as a legit excuse as to WHY I don't have stuff of my own to promote) INSTEAD, I'll promote shamelessly for my friends and family. Because some of them ARE doing great and fabulous things (well they all are doing great and fabulous things, some of them just have websites to easily add here)
My cousin Adam is in a movie called Straight Jacket...check out the trailer and site here:

One of my great friends in IC "Christysissy" has acted, produced, and edited for her boyfriend and his friend. They are great filmmakers, and I anxiously await snagging a copy of the latest production when I'm back over Thanksgiving.

there are others, but not the time right now to shamelessly plug everybody, so hopefully this satisfies those of you that wanna know!
oh, and on the related note of promoting famous folks I like or something. I really dig a band called Guster, many of you may have heard of them. They have a kick ass feature on their site where you can take a look into their fridges on the road.

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