Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Recap and Future

Just finished the audio version of Elsewhere by Gabriella Zevon. Not bad for a YA book.

Now on to City of Ember which I'll listen to in the car on the way to Ames tomorrow to see SPAMALOT.. (woo)

Saw HP5, and Transformers. Both decent shows. I think Erik made good points about Transformers...lines were a tad cheesy in some spots but the movie owns up to its own cheese factor. over all entertaining.
People have been giving mixed opinions on the HP5 movie. Personally I think it is the best in the series so far. If I had to rank them from best to worst it would go: Order, Stone, Chamber, Prisoner, Goblet
People are saying they felt the ending was rushed - I'd agree, but I think they did the least damage to the central plot and character development in this one than Goblet. I also think it has better action sequences than Stone or Chamber, which are much more expository.

Saw the UI Summer Opera: Marriage Contract by Rossini and Gilbert and Sullivan's Trial By Jury. Both were well done - and I"m not just saying that cause I'm biased by the stage manager. I really enjoyed G and S's, though i wish Rossini would have been in Italian rather than translated. But I'll never win that battle with the UI. Accessibility, etc etc...

Friday I will drive with Erik to the northwest portion of Iowa for a Saturday afternoon wedding, which will be in both Vietnamese and English. I am looking forward to it. It will actually be the first time Erik and I have stayed in a hotel room with just each other. I plan to watch LOTS of t.v. all night and annoy him (haha, really hon....)

Saturday - we'll go to the wedding, and also pick up a copy of HP7. (if you don't know what HP7 stands for skip down another paragraph anyway) I can't believe that folks digitally photographed pages, much less the WHOLE BOOK. jeesh people. if you didn't get the idea of violating copyright to start with. Have fun in court...and paying lots of $$$ for your use of technology.

Sunday we'll travel to Okoboji Iowa for my family reunion. This year's additions include Spencer and Arden. Spencer I got to meet when Erik and I went to NYC in Dec of 06, but Arden was just born, so I haven't met her yet. I'm looking forward to having dinner with my grandmother also....and making sure Erik can draw the family tree...with ages ;) (jk)

Monday - lake time = hp7 AND French take home final (ick)

Tuesday - drive back to Ames, and then back to Iowa City.

Wed-Friday - French class/work

Friday - leave for Ames

Saturday - wedding in Ames

Sunday - come back to IC...(remember to water mom's plants)

Monday - Friday - work, and move in to new apartment..(yay)

Friday - to Ames for my central Iowa bday celebration (my first time ever at a drive-in theater!)

Saturday - work at CPL, then out for my eastern Iowa Bday celebration ---any ideas for what we should do? I'm taking requests...

Sunday - actually really move all my stuff into my new apartment and start living with new roomie.

Monday - Friday - work (Ames?)

Saturday - drive to Lisbon for another wedding. :)

Sunday - back to IC.

Monday-Friday -work..possibly see Cassi's sister play at the Mill.

She's a red headed spitfire with a badass voice and a ukulele.

Friday evening - Sunday -- Going to BLOOMINGTON, IN to visit Rena and Christa and Julie...**

Monday -work

Tuesday - start my class in Art History Methods at the U of Iowa as a "non-degree" seeking student, because I was too lazy and burnt out on school to register and try to get in as "grad student" status again.

sept 15 - speaking of GRE test date.....any help/suggestions/comments/complains about the GRE and its testing process? vent here...:)

that pretty much sums up my busy sched.

**also motivated by the chance to eat at the Trojan Horse and Esan Thai two places that blow the I.C. ethnic food choices of these countries out of the water.


Gilmore Girls Guy said...

If it's bilingual, it's in Vietnamese, not Korean.

Peter said...

For your eastern Iowa birthday, you and everyone else should take a trip out to the Northwest. I hear it's nice out there this time of year :-)

Oh yeah, there's that whole time and money thing. Damn!

Miss ya.