Monday, January 03, 2005

well, the vacation is winding down. This morning I awoke to a sheet of ice not only covering my car, but the sidewalks, streets, and anything else in this town. Welcome to Winter weather. Blah. I totally need to move somewhere warm most of the year. This weekend has been a rather crazy display of partying and fun. Last night we went out to celebrate Kimi's 21st, and tonight we'll do it again with pitchers, though I'll drive tonight. Before that was new years eve, which was quite the crazy display to watch as well. Before that, Eben's 24th at the piano lounge, which was a fun time to. Vacation is on the wann, I need to get myself back into the habbit of getting up at a decent hour, rather than sleeping in, which i've finally grown accustomed to. It will be weird to return to Indy and have to put my nose to the grindstone again, especially with 4 actual grad school classes and a part time job - I imagine I'll be quite busy, but I do tend to think I opperate well under busy conditions. I felt like a slacker last semester without having a job, so at least that will make me feel some what more worthwhile and like I"m contributing more to paying for my higher higher education still. I've enjoyed my time here, primarily, and will miss the IC friends when I head back for school. I am eager to return though, so I can get another semester underway and then finished. I'm also eager to return to Indy to get some things figured out, but until then I'm all about just having a good time and enjoying the company of other folks!
hope you all had safe and happy new years!

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