Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Cosmic Forces and Something More

My Horoscope from Monday: You have information and the ability to express yourself with grace and creative power today. Your words can move others to powerful feelings of awakening and awareness. Those close to you can have their eyes opened by what you have to say. Expand your mind by spending time with intelligent people, particularly those who are very different than you.

Well, now that it is Tuesday evening, I can reflect on how true this horoscope prediction was for yesterday. I did indeed expand my mind by spending time with some very intelligent people, and conversed over the use of vocabulary. I had information to share. I'm not sure I was up with the grace and creative power, but I do hope my words will move others and help them see what is out there for them, especially those with differing viewpoints from my own.

There is an interesting dicotomy to my thought process about superstition, horoscopes, karma and the whole "something out there" in some ways belonging to the qualification as "destiny" or a "higher power."
It's very easy for me to sit here now and apply what fits from yesterday into my horoscope, which was a prediction, that I didn't read until five minutes ago. Had I read this horoscope on Sunday night, well, perhaps I would have felt the same way about occurances yesterday. But perhaps not. I guess it's interesting to think that we all live our lives with a sense of "knowing" what is around the corner or what we plan to do with ourselves or others, in say, the span of 24 hours, or what we'll have for lunch, or what we'll want to be doing 20 years from now.
Truth is, no body knows with 100% certainty what lies ahead, in the next minute, or the next 20 years. We can plot out our course and chart out our lives with a sense of purpose and plan, and still we have to allow for, excuse the expression, the inkblots of life. Or perhaps, I feel as many friends my age feel, that even though we've got a direction, or have some sort of idea of where we're heading, or want to go, we don't know for sure that it is the RIGHT way to go, the path we are meant to be on. Maybe one of these "inkblots" will make us change our minds about that direction, and we'll veer toward a new one. But are we really the ones in control of those moments, or is there something more powerful that guides us to make the choices we make? Is there really something so vast and influential that can be summed up in a simple word like "Fate"? I don't claim to believe in organized religion as an outlet for myself, but I do believe that there is something out there that acts upon us, and causes us to have impulses and thoughts at defining moments. Sometimes we dont' even know that those moments are defining ones until much later.
So, when I ask myself, would I have believed that my horoscope came true at the end of yesterday, I have to also admit that hindsight is 20/20, and that the best I can do is live my life with an attempt toward being kind to everyone and everything, to hope that I make good choices with positive results, and to know that, inevitably the "plans we've made will give way to the reality of today and quickly become recollections of the past." If they come to fruition, all the better. and if they don't...well then, there's always tomorrow's horoscope to read the day after.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Good thoughts, my friend... good thoughts.