Thursday, April 05, 2007

Upcoming Excitement and Past Fun

Beware, this is "listy"

* Saw La Boheme put on by the U of Iowa Opera department on last Friday night. Fun times. A special friend did the assistant direction, woot.

* Saturday Fondue party at Liz's and Party at the "Quad" in Ames. With the exceptions of taking care of people who partied a little too hard (but were grateful for the assistance) and the guy who LICKED MY CHEEK!!! It was a fun evening. Liz's second choice of white wine, a yummy organic Riesling was supurb.

* Finally getting to start cataloging the collection at the UIArtLib...

*A French class for reading/research - how scholarly - to start in June

*Introducing Erik and his almost common law Iowan butt to the MUSIC MAN. If you are going to date an Iowan Librarian it's required viewing. - I can't believe he got this far without the torture.

*New reading material, Grand Complication. It stars a reference librarian with a prediliction for musty old books and enclosures...I"m on page 20 and so far I"m enjoying it.

*Watching They Might be Giants instruct children in the art of their ABC's.

*ARLIS/NA in ATLANTA! at the end of APRIL (chance to see Traci, and perhaps Kathy)

*Indiana in May

*Mason City for Frank Lloyd Wright's Iowa prairie style home

*Pella for the tulip festival

*White Sox baseball games via traveling with White Sox Fans.

*Return of Veronica Mars May 1st

*SUMMER!!! --It is too freaking cold in Iowa right now. Yesterday it snowed. If it had been the 1st of April I'd have assumed mother nature's april fool's, alas. It's just her cruel joke.

*The End of this Post

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hooray for "Here Come the ABCs"! That's all my kid is gonna watch.