Friday, October 22, 2004

Listening to: MP3 Oldies List (which means great tunes from the 50's, 60's, 70's)

All registered for my classes for next semester. Yay. I'm a big dork, I'm excited for them. Well, mostly...maybe not so much for cataloging, but it's something I need to learn, and it's required, so here we go!

So there is a coffee commercial out right now, for Foldgers, that includes my theme song. I can't believe how awesome it was to hear the EVERLY BROTHERS live in concert with Simon and Garfunkel this summer. I still can't get over how stoaked I was, I felt like they were singing directly to me, even though that Qwest Center was probably sold out. I love how I went to a concert with my parents. How many people get to say that their parents have good taste in music and that you agree with those tastes? I had a really great exposure at an early age to the music of my parents' generation, though they tell me they were on the "tame" side, weren't protesting, didn't do woodstock, etc. They listened to folks like Peter, Paul and Mary and the Carpenters. All great stuff if you ask me. I remember many roadtrips to Okoboji, before Steve and I were old enough to drive up by ourselves, in which I would get to listen to the Beatles and numerous other one-hit wonders, and also the music from their childhoods, like early Motown, and stuff like "Leader of the Pack".
Nowadays, when I roadtrip my music tastes are so entirely vast it's hard to pinpoint WHAT I listen to, but I know what I like. Now that I've got the Ipod, and itunes, I can roll out with just about anything and mix it up constantly. Last night I was doing homework to the RANDOM setting, it was great fun. Going from stuff like Dave Mathews to Ice Cube to Sugar Shack to Ave Maria to Pour Some Sugar On Me. Granted, I have my lists too, if I'm feeling like a particular kind a music, say "jazz" then I can turn to Etta and Sinatra. Or power females I've got Alanis and Janis and Liz to keep me company. But sometimes it's fun to just mesh it all together. Especially when some things really fit one after the other. Anyways, you are probably asking what the point of this random mussing is...well there ISN"T really one in particular. So hah!

I'm excited for the opera tonight!

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